Dare to Know
Celebrating change, growth & curiosity
Brandi Carlile: A Theology of Belonging
After spending dozens of hours absorbing Carlile’s music, interviews, memoir and lyrics, an undeniable theme emerged that I call a Theology of Belonging. It’s a theology that is concerned with real life experiences, and causes us to make room for others.
Ever been embarrassed by the things you used to believe or how you’ve acted? Yeah, me too…until I realized that it all represents my journey and growth. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t have some regrets about the younger version of ourselves.
Looking back, I see a very crooked path as I followed my curiosity, which only hinted at the adventures to come. Please join me as I continue to explore my shifting thoughts at the intersection of faith, gender, culture and how diving more deeply into my story is shaping my public theology. more about me
Master’s Project: The Seattle School 2023
This project examines the connection between Christian fundamentalism’s strict model of womanhood and Complex-PTSD, which misshapes personal identity, atrophies agency and stunts the imagination.
When Religion Becomes Traumatic
Religion is largely recognized as being beneficial to the lives of humans. It can help us make sense of the world by answering the big questions of life. Religion can also bring comfort, healing and a sense of safety from a traumatic world. So…what happens when it’s religion itself that is the source of distress and trauma?
Feminist Theory (video)
Remembering Is a Gift
Searching for Truth
Never before have humans been able to spew our immediate thoughts out into the world with such urgency, precision and speed. We stake a claim in a particular camp of opinion and target hate and vitriol towards those who disagree. But, how often do we think deeply about how we know what we know
Engaging Our Creativity
Her Body Paid the Price
Listening to the Body
Our bodies have a form of knowledge that is different from our cognitive brains. This knowledge is typically experienced as…
Creation Story Reboot-Part I
Origins matter. They provide the seeds that will later grow into full blown ideologies, worldviews, theologies, practices and systems
Hearts remained broken, addictions unchecked, and people tormented with fear and loneliness. Yet, we could only speak of it in whispers…
Hey Lady
For some women, language around gender is a non-issue. But for others. the terms “lady” and “girl” are loaded and emotionally explosive.
Dare to be Curious
So, what if I didn’t give a flyin’ freak about what others thought of me? This is the question…
The Origins of Bad Theology
As humans started to wonder about the universe, they looked up. Their views of God were mixed…
Excluding Women = Bad Theology
Bad theology creates weak and fragile women, who can’t step into their full purpose and potential.
Sapere Aude-Dare to Know
Let me share how I have moved from fear of being a heretic to having the courage to use my own reason.
About Beth Alford
I cringe when I remember old, dogmatic opinions and narrow world views, and it’s tempting…